Channel: Mark Trumbull on MinnPost
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One million workers get pay boost as 10 states adjust minimum wage

From Washington State to Florida, the new year is bringing a boost in the minimum wage for an estimated 1 million low-wage workers.The changes are coming in nine states that adjust their base wages...

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Beyond the 'cliff': Why spending cuts are next on the agenda

The "fiscal cliff" deal reached over the holiday weekend lifted an immediate cloud of uncertainty over US taxpayers in the new year, but it didn't resolve the longer-term question of how to...

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That didn't take long: AIG decides not to sue US over bailout terms

Maybe the idea of suing the US government over the terms of a gargantuan bailout isn't such a winning move for AIG.That's what the directors of American International Group concluded in a Wednesday...

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Jacob Lew: Is 'safe' choice for Treasury also a good choice?

President Obama is nominating Jacob "Jack" Lew to be his next secretary of the Treasury, pushing to his administration's forefront a longtime veteran of Washington budget battles.Mr. Lew knows the...

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Kerry Senate seat now has contested primary: Stephen Lynch hat in ring

Rep. Stephen Lynch, a former union ironworker with South Boston roots, announced a campaign for the US Senate Thursday, setting up a contested Democratic primary for the seat being vacated by John...

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US economic backsliding temporary? Maybe not if 'sequester' hits

When the government reported Wednesday that the economy shrank in the most recent quarter, forecasters generally said not to worry. This was a temporary slowdown, driven by one-time factors.Defense...

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Recession averted, but rising debt still a threat, CBO warns

America won't go into recession this year, but the economy is threatened in the longer term by rising federal debt. That's what the Congressional Budget Office concludes in its latest annual forecast...

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Massachusetts' incredible shrinking Senate race: More Republicans bow out

The surprise decision of former Sen. Scott Brown not to run for the vacated US Senate seat in Massachusetts left an opening for other Republican hopefuls to step forward.Who would it be?, the pundits...

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Life after 'sequester': Does federal budget have $1 trillion in fat to cut?

The newly launched "sequester" federal spending cuts are large – large enough to total more than $1 trillion if they were to stay in place for 10 years.That won’t happen, because no one likes the...

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Knives on planes? TSA chief, defending policy, gets an earful in Congress

A new federal policy to allow pocketknives in airplane cabins drew criticism in Congress Thursday, as some lawmakers joined flight attendants and others in questioning the security change.John Pistole,...

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Fannie Mae record profit: How long until it pays back bailout money?

The mortgage giant Fannie Mae said it racked up its highest profit ever during the 2012 calendar year – a signal of housing-market recovery that raises hopes that US taxpayers will recover billions of...

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Immigration reform: Farm-worker compromise brings bill a step closer to...

A bipartisan band of US Senators has reached agreement on one of the central controversies of immigration reform – treatment of farm workers who currently work in the country illegally.The compromise...

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Boston bomb suspect called 'lucid,' but how much does he know?

The surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings is described as alert and “mentally competent,” but he also now has a lawyer.As of Monday, when a US judge visited Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in his...

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Flight delayed? Republicans blame FAA, and FAA blames 'sequester'

Flight delays at US airports starting this week are unavoidable because of budget cuts, the head of the Federal Aviation Administration told Congress Wednesday, seeking to deflect Republican...

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Mormon Church to accept gay Boy Scouts

For the Boy Scouts of America, a new effort to chart a middle ground on the issues of sexual orientation is proving controversial.The proposed policy by the Boy Scouts, announced recently, is to...

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Putin, Obama speak again amid probe into Tamerlan Tsarnaev

The wider ripple effects of the Boston Marathon bombings are showing up in US-Russia relations.Presidents Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama talked by phone Monday, and they agreed to maintain close...

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New arrests hint at unseen side of Boston bombing suspect

Three men have been charged with impeding a federal investigation of the Boston Marathonbombings in allegations that would seem to blend criminality with teenage stupidity.After realizing that their...

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'Palestine' finds a new home as Google follows 'lead of the UN'

When the Palestinians won enhanced status for “Palestine” as a non-voting observer state in theUnited Nations General Assembly last November, the Obama administration and Israel blasted the move as...

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Republicans pursue probe of Benghazi attacks, name witnesses for hearing

The chairman of a House investigative committee has named three witnesses who will appear at a May 8 hearing on the US response to the terrorist threat that cost four Americans their lives inBenghazi,...

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Cory Booker the favorite for NJ Senate seat, but still has a race to win

Cory Booker, the mayor of Newark known for running into a burning building to save a neighbor, has officially announced that he’ll seek New Jersey’s open seat in the US Senate.This isn’t a...

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