Channel: Mark Trumbull on MinnPost
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Boston Marathon bombing suspect pleads 'not guilty,' shows no remorse

In a mild Russian accent, he said “not guilty” at least six times. With those words, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev punctuated his first appearance in a federal courthouse since being accused of carrying out a...

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Obama's 'grand bargain' twist: Let's focus on jobs, not the deficit

President Obama laid down a challenge to Republicans Tuesday, saying the nation needs a “grand bargain” on jobs more than it needs a grand bargain to reduce federal deficits.“For much of the past two...

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What will your Obamacare premium be? Numbers are in for 17 states

If you live in California, Ohio, or Connecticut, you can now look up what health insurance will cost on the new Obamacare exchanges.If you live in Florida, Illinois, or Texas, you don’t know yet, even...

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Five years after Lehman bankruptcy: Will we see the next crisis coming?

“Never again." That might be the unofficial motto for a group of US regulators who meet regularly to keep a collective watch on the health of the financial system, some five years after a devastating...

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Debt limit: Raise it or risk financial crisis, Treasury warns Congress

The Treasury Department drew a red-line regarding its capacity to meet America’s financial obligations, warning that Congress must raise the nation’s public debt limit or risk sending the economy into...

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Fed nominee Janet Yellen: 'Too many Americans still can't find a job'

Janet Yellen faces some formidable tasks as the first woman nominated to head the Federal Reserve.Confirmation by a politically divided Senate is just the first, and maybe the easiest, part.Then will...

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Obamacare Web troubles: what’s known so far – and what big questions remain

A committee in the Republican-led House will question federal contractors Thursday morning, in an effort to understand why the online debut of Obamacare has gone so badly.Lawmakers on the House Energy...

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Not enough pre-launch testing of Obamacare website, contractors testify

Contractors who helped to build the troubled sign-up website for Obamacare said Thursday that an insufficient testing process contributed to an error-prone rollout.They put blame on the Obama...

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Fixing the Obamacare website: a status report in three numbers

Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Wednesday that the website for Obamacare is now able to process about “17,000 registrants per hour ... with almost no errors.”That sounds like a big step of...

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Government shutdown didn't save money. It cost $2 billion, report says

The federal government’s partial shutdown last month was a costly exercise in agreeing to disagree. Now we know exactly how costly.Or at least, we have a preliminary price tag estimated by the Obama...

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Sandy Hook report answers some questions, but many still a mystery

A Connecticut state attorney’s report drew pointed conclusions about the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School that shook the nation a year ago, saying Adam Lanza acted alone in killing 26 students...

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No ‘grand bargain’ in budget deal: What does that mean for the economy?

The accord reached between bipartisan negotiators this week is a budget “mini-deal.” If it’s approved by the House and Senate, the good news is simply that there is a deal to fund the federal...

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Janet Yellen confirmation marks new era at Federal Reserve

Janet Yellen won a confirmation vote in the US Senate Monday, setting her on track to become the next Federal Reserve chair and to guide the central bank’s policymaking through a new and challenging...

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Social Progress Index: Why does US rank No. 16?

The United States remains unmatched by any other large economy when measured by per-person income, but by a new measure of “social progress,” it’s way behind – No. 16 – in delivering a high-quality...

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Debt limit: Raise it or risk financial crisis, Treasury warns Congress

Mark TrumbullThe Treasury Department drew a red-line regarding its capacity to meet America’s financial obligations, warning that Congress must raise the nation’s public debt limit or risk sending the...

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Fed nominee Janet Yellen: 'Too many Americans still can't find a job'

Mark TrumbullJanet Yellen faces some formidable tasks as the first woman nominated to head the Federal Reserve.Confirmation by a politically divided Senate is just the first, and maybe the easiest,...

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Obamacare Web troubles: what’s known so far – and what big questions remain

Mark TrumbullA committee in the Republican-led House will question federal contractors Thursday morning, in an effort to understand why the online debut of Obamacare has gone so badly.Lawmakers on the...

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Not enough pre-launch testing of Obamacare website, contractors testify

Mark TrumbullContractors who helped to build the troubled sign-up website for Obamacare said Thursday that an insufficient testing process contributed to an error-prone rollout.They put blame on the...

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Fixing the Obamacare website: a status report in three numbers

Mark TrumbullHealth Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Wednesday that the website for Obamacare is now able to process about “17,000 registrants per hour ... with almost no errors.”That sounds like a big...

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Government shutdown didn't save money. It cost $2 billion, report says

Mark TrumbullThe federal government’s partial shutdown last month was a costly exercise in agreeing to disagree. Now we know exactly how costly.Or at least, we have a preliminary price tag estimated by...

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